(858) 361-6288 | info@newstarventures.com

If you think a relationship with Newstar Ventures could be beneficial for your company, please contact us via the online form, or via email or phone.

Dr. John Chiplin, Managing Director

Newstar Ventures Ltd.                   NSV (London Offices)
8070 La Jolla Shores Drive             53 Chester Row
La Jolla, CA 92037                            London, SW1
Tel: 858-361-6288                           Tel: 020-3532-0115
Fax: 858-454-4712

Amy Louise, Account Executive

Newstar Ventures Pty Ltd
2 Mosman St.
Mosman, NSW 2088
Tel: +61 431041776


Mr. Paulo Ferraz, Director

Newstar Ventures Ltd.
8070 La Jolla Shores Drive            Caixa Postal 89745 – AGF da Serra
La Jolla, CA 92037                           Nova Friburgo – Rio de Janeiro
Tel: 619-913-3760                           28610-973 – Brazil
Fax: 858-454-4712                          Tel: +55-22-98818-1296

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